Move fast, Move First: The Reality of 5G & O RAN
The Stark Truth:
Opportunities are threats incognito, and, luckily enough, vice-versa too; with ease, speed and flexibility comes complexity.
Yes. 5G brings with it a world, quite literally an entire world of opportunities. Today, networks are faster and more dependable, throwing open doors to newer business models and opportunities. Here’s the catch, though. These opportunities are easier spotted than executed. One needs smart solutions that circumvent challenges and bring audacious visions down to earth and make the 5G dream a reality
The very towers seem to be tottering under the deluge of high-speed data streaming through. Bands and bandwidths have increased – as has the burden and ease of free data flow.
A rapidly evolving ecosystem: boon, or bane?
With the boon of 5G, comes the bane of new, complex ecosystems. Network operators now need flexibility to build efficient networks. These are neither simple, nor easy. Enter, O-RAN. Open Access Radio Networks. But this requires deep domain expertise, skilled resources and optimised solutions that can be quickly deployed by a technology solutions partner. Again, not so simple. And herein lie the opportunities.
Time has come for all players to address these challenges—it’s time to ideate – innovate, incubate, and invent for a future that is waiting to propel the world forward at a rapid pace. The need of the hour are scalable solutions that are flexible and secure. It’s that time that comes only once in a lifetime perhaps – when it is possible to create value in a brave new world and brand-new ecosystem. Its time to simplify, integrate, democratize, open out and yet be extremely safe and secure. Tall order. But, possible. And, done.
And this development will bring big benefits to not just communication – but, to world economy. The long-awaited digital decade has arrived. The workforce of the world is working from anywhere and everywhere now, since the fateful 2020 shake-up. There’s been innovation on the fly, an influx of connectivity, connections, and devices. Boundaries have blurred.
5G has arrived like a tectonic collision and an ensuing tsunami. Luckily, the impact is only far reaching – not devastating. In fact, with the cliched ‘new digital normal’ when demand for high-speed, low-latency internet connections is skyrocketing, the time has truly come. And hitherto locked-down or shackled businesses are eager to go, geared up for a likely boom in productivity.
The known and waiting-to- be- experienced benefits of 5G are compelling: besides frictionless browsing, downloading, and streaming for today’s consumer, 5G, built for enterprises, has the ability unlock the power of IoT. This could have far reached impact for enterprises and governments alike. There are governments that have set themselves targets to ensure connectivity for all or most in the next five years or so. These plans, of course, would require significant investment in IT infrastructure – one key ace being O-RAN. High investments are being made in R & D and testing for O-RAN. Operators and giants of the industry have plunged in and see the rich outcomes.